Yoga Offerings

All yoga classes here fall under the umbrella of Hatha yoga. Each class serves its own purpose and moves your energy in slightlly different styles.


Vinyasa is a style of yoga which emphasizes synching each breath you take with each movement you make. Some positions will change with each breath while others will be held for 5-1o breaths. Vinyasa is an excellent class when you need to connect with your body and ground yourself into your life. Classes are between 60 minutes with a short meditation at the beginning and end. Practicing Vinyasa is an excellent work out and will help anybody whose goal in yoga is to get in better shape.


Yin style of yoga gets its name from the yin yang duality of the physical world. Yin represents the feminine energy, the stable, unmoving and hidden energy of things. Yin classes emphasize taking extended time in each pose. Classes will last for 60 minutes where you may only practice 8-10 different poses. Yin yoga is about finding the edge of your comfort zone, holding the pose and finding stillness. Practicing yin develops a feeling of deep presence, comfort and tranquility.


I believe that private instruction is the most direct way to teach anything. As a teacher, I am able to adapt my style of instruction to best meet each student’s specific needs. Like all relationships, the dynamic between teacher and students is dependent on communication and understanding. This dynamic is heightened in private instruction.

In my private classes, I offer instruction and teaching on all aspects of yoga. We can take time to discuss the yamas and niyamas, the ethical codes of yoga. We can work through posture and alignment in the asanas, or physical practice. We can focus on breath work, concentration, withdrawing from our senses and or meditation. A private class is designed to best fit your needs, whatever they may be.

If you’re interested in finding out if private instruction is right for you, click on the button below to contact me by email so we can find a time that fits to discuss your needs.


Meditation is by far my favorite thing to teach. Spending time observing our minds and our physical sensations helps us to put space between our thoughts and our selves, between our emotions and our selves. The space that we learn to put between us and our thoughts and emotions, that is our inner space. I think of this inner space as a void where our creativity has limitless power. The key is to learn how to take power back from our minds and learn to use our inner space for what is most essential: our inner peace.

HIIT x Yoga

High intensity Interval Training is a type of exercise that incorporates several rounds of different movements which are practiced for 40 seconds, immediately f0llowed by 20 seconds of rest. You will get a total body workout in 20 minutes. The class starts with a light warm up and finishes with light stretching. This class uses high intensity training to deepen your skills for yoga. Different yoga poses have been adapted and applied to the framework of HIIT in order to build muscle, tone your body and get stronger for yoga practice at the same time. This is an excellent class to attend for anybody who wants an efficient bodyweight work out.


Chair yoga, also known as accessible yoga is a modern form which has been adapted to meet the needs of practicioners who have difficulty getting up and down off of the floor easily, or people who are recovering from an illness or rehabing an injury. Yoga, at its core is a practice which is designed for every single person to be able to partcipate in. In order to make chair yoga possible, we have modified some of the original poses while focusing on the spirit of the posture. This is a 60 minute class and is available for anyone and everyone to participate in. We will emphasize the same basic tenants of a regular class in chair yoga; bringing awareness to our posture, breath and focus, all while withdrawing our senses to the inside. If you have ever said “I would love to do yoga but I just don’t think that I can keep up with the class.” Then this is the class for you. Some will use this class as a stepping stone to prepare their body to join a vinyasa class. Others will make this their full time yoga routine.


The group reiki experience is meant to create a space of community, support and healing. Many of us feel the weight of the collective energy of the world in addition to our own challenges and stresses of daily life. This group provides an opportunity to enter into a sacred space and receive restorative reiki energy to recharge and rebalance.

Breath Work

Breath work, or pranayama is one of the 8 limbs of yoga and is an essential part of practicing yoga. Your breath can be thought of as a portal to your inner space. When you use your mind to control your breath in specific ways, you are able to manually move and direct the energy in your body in ways that can help you to feel either; grounded, balanced, invigorated, calm and or present. Different breathing techniques will cause a different effect on your body and mind. Simply put, I believe that when breathing techniques are mastered. you gain the ability to master your life. If you struggle with managing your stress, anxiety, depression, attention, or general mood, then breath work is an excellent class to take. That being said, I dont’ believe that it should be a replacement for therapy in any way. Adding breathwork to your tool kit and learning to use and control your breathing to alter your state of mind is a pricelss gift you can give to yourself.