In order to understand any one thing, you must come to know in relationship to the whole from which it comes. In the yogic tradition, meditation is one part of an 8 step process. Yoga teaches that meditation is first experienced when you are capable of sustaining focused concentration without exerting any effort. There are many techniques, tips and tricks used to move yourself from the very first stage of meditation to the very end stage. In the final stage of meditation, the most advanced form of meditation, you begin to blend the lines between where you and the environment you are in.
This mini-course is designed to move you through the preceeding steps of yoga until you arrive at the very beginning stage of meditation. Become intimately familiar with meditation by becoming more familiar with all of the intricate little details of the steps leading up to it.
Get anytime access to this step by step mini-course which teaches you to navigate the journey along the pathway to meditation.