Have ever wanted to understand yoga better and develop your own practice?

Do you have something you woud like to work on but have never been able to commit to?

If you want to work one on one with a trainer who will hold you accountable to your goals,

if you want to simply practice yoga on your own and know how to make yourself feel better, unconditionally,

then personal training sessions might be right for you.

This is a custom made personal training program that can be curated for 8, 12 or 16 week personalized training sessions.

In order to develop your own practice, you will be guided through a tailored framework inspired by the 8 limbs of yoga, known as astanga yoga. Guided by this framework, you and Ben will create an organized plan to move you through the yoga process in the most natural way, for you. Once you become familiar with the process of yoga, you can practice it on or off the mat.

Here is how it works.

You come in with one thing you want. A desire.

It could be physical, like doing the splits, or improving backbends or handstands.

It could be emotional, like learning to regulate your stress or anger.

It could be mental, like learning to quiet your mind, meditate and find inner peace.

It could be spiritual, like understanding how the yoga practice increases the levesl of consciousness in your body.

Whatever you desire, the yoga process will be adapted to meet your needs.

Using the 8 step yoga process to satisfy a very specific desire you have, you will learn to intuitively apply it to your life, on the mat and off the mat.

Depending on your goal, you may or may not actually achieve what you desire within the 8, 12 or 16 week training session.

You will however, use your time to become intimately familiar with yourself and the feeling of going through the yoga process. So even if you want to work on a 5 year goal that you will not achieve in a few months, you will spend this time learning to set yourself on the right track and know how to keep resetting yourself on the right track when you fall off at some point.

Being familiar with the feeling of going through the yoga process, you will know the feeling of alignment.

Only when you are in alignment with what you want, can you ever move in the direction of having it.

When the mind is ready, the body will follow.

Together, we will use yoga to align your mind, body and energy for the specific purpose of feeling the way you want.

At the end of your personal training session, you will know how to impliment the wisdom of yoga into your daily routine. No matter what comes up for you in the future, you will know how to process it, in the present moment, with yoga.

Here is the introductory layer to the framework we will work through.

1. Establish your own personal belief system which dictates what you believe to be achievable, what you believe you are worthy of having.

2. Through physical movement, test your belief system and practice retaining your own sense of self while confronting pressure, stress and tension.

3. Fine tune the movements you make throughout your day and understand the feeling of physical alignment in your body. Become comfortable with the stress of your life.

4. Understand better how your body breathes and how your breath effects your mindstate. Using specific breathing techniques, you will learn how to change your mind by changing your breath.

5. Focus your awareness inwards and become sensitized to your own internal experience. This is where the subconscious mind dominates. You will learn to derive your satisfaction from here. Once you learn to influence the subconscious mind, you can lay the foundation for your belief system to to keep you in alignemnt, subconsciously.

6. Concentrate your focused awareness on the feeling of satisfying your desire in the present moment. Once you learn to make one single satisfying present moment, you use your discipline to stretch it out for longer and longer periods of time, unconditional of the stress that comes up in your life.

7. Surrender the desire to control your conscious awareness and effortlessly learn to be in harmony with your inner and outer environment. You cease to battle your subconscious mind and begin to work with it.

8. Become habituated to the feeling of effortlessly concentrating on the satisfaction of your present moment desires.

This eight step process reprograms your subconscious mind to seek out the feeling of satisfatcion, without having to fight for it or prove your worth.

You will practice this until feeling satisfied is more normal to you than any other other potential feeling.

Once you learn how float back and forth between steps 6-8, you will know how to feel satisfied, unconditional of whatever outside circumstances come your way.

Knowing how to do something and doing it are two separate things.

This is why I will hold you accountabile throughout the training sessions.

Together, we work on the mind and body at the same time. So while you are establishing dominance in your subconscious mind and learning to surrender to the fact that you can not control it, you will also be physically accomplishing your goals throughout the weekly one on one in person private lessons.

If you can place yourself in the process, then you will always have clarity about the next right thing to do.

Having an objective teacher guide you through this framework is the surest way to establish discipline and earn confidence.

This personal training session includes:

  • 1 private yoga class with Ben per week. This weekly 1 hour private yoga class will be your time to practice yoga the way you want. Whether it be physically, mentally, emotionally or consciously, you will use this time to realign with the desire you’re working towards.

  • Accountability will help you develop discipline so that you can develop the right habits for growth. In the days between the in person sesssions, you will have text message, email and phone call connection with Ben, so that you don’t fall off the path.

  • Daily practice will be encouraged with specific practices to work on throughout the week, you could think of it as homework. If you keep up with the homework, you will be ready to keep moving forward in the next in person session, and you will be capable of keeping up with the predetermined framework designed to satisfy your desire.

Each week will build off the last.

You will only be able to grow at your own pace.

If you don’t practice at home throughout the week, it will be challenging for you to keep up at your desired pace.

Keeping up with this framework will require you to refine your habits and dedicate your time.

Keeping up with this framework will require you to change your life.

Not forever, just for now.

Achieving your goal will have to become a priority in your life.

This program is best suited for people who are ready to make a change in their lives.

Some weeks will feel easier than others. Sometimes you’re not going to want to practice on your own. This is when the personal communication comes in handy. I will check in on you and you will reach out to me so that you stay accountable to yourself in the space between our private sessions.

The development of discipline creates confidence.

Confidence and discipline together give you courage.

You are a good candidate for this program if you are:

  • highly motivated

  • willing to be guided through your comfort zone and learn new things

  • willing to commit to an ongoing weekly schedule

  • open to challenging your belief system

  • excited about the potential of growth and willing to embrace change

    I believe that if you are brave enough to pay the money for this training, then you will be brave enough to complete the training and refine the habits holding you back in life.

    8 week session - $1200

    12 week session - $1800

    16 week session - $2400

    Sessions are billed weekly, $150 at a time.

    If you are interested, or have questions, click here and reach out.

    If you are ready to make a change, choose the duration you would like and make the commitment now.

    8 week

    12 week

    16 week

    Looking forward to working with you.