No matter where you are in your ability to do a confident push up, the process is always the same.

Beginning with the hands, you will strengthen up your body one finger at a time. By learning how to strengthen your hands and support your wrists, you will build up the strength to be able to hold a solid plank pose.

With the strength to hold plank pose, you will begin to build up the strength to lower down to the floor. Safely, slowly and with balance.

Using different yoga poses, you will naturally find your self moving up and down off the floor and begin strengthening your body naturally, intuitively.

Depending on how often you do the work to strengthen your body, it could take you a week, a month or a year to be doing your push ups confidentlly. No matter when you choose to do the work, this process will remain the same.

Strength Training
One time

An intuitive step by step instuctional course that will get you doing pushups, or at least a pushup!

✓ Unlimited lifetime access
✓ 9 instructional videos
✓ 60 minute Power Sculpt yoga class