breath work & meditation

Breath is an intangible yet quantifiable element that moves throughout the body, animating it in the process. Yoga teaches that breath carries prana, often understood as life force potential. Prana exists in a latent, unactivated state throughout all matter. Which means that prana can be found in your body, breath and food. With the control and regulation of your breath, yoga teaches how we control and regulate our minds. Yoga goes as far as to say that our minds, are the retained aspect of the breath that we breathe. Another way of understanding this is that our minds are made up of an accumulation of prana that determines the way the body feels.

Learning to control and regulate your breath means that you are in charge of the intake of prana in your body through your breath. Learning to control and regulate your will power, vitality and general energy levels is the grand prize that yogis and meditators alike are hoping to gain through practice.

This course teaches you step by step how to use the body and the mind for the single purpose of changing the way you feel in the present moment. You will learn how to change the way you feel in the subtle ways at first, then learn how to increase momentum and change your feelings in bigger ways.

Once we learn how to feel good, and how to sustain that general feeling of goodness without any exerted effort, you have reached the highest level of yoga practice. Much like life, just because you reach the mountain top one time, does not mean that you will never find yourself deep down in the valley. Learning to reach and sustain the highest states of yoga practice, known as samadhi, is a life long journey. This course will supply you will all of the tools you will need along this life long journey.

Happy travels!

Breath Work & Meditation
One time

Learn the yoga process for the subtle body. Understand your breath and how to change the way the way you feel.

✓ Unlimited lifetime access
✓ 12 instructional videos
✓ 3 guided meditations