Power Sculpt

This is athletic training for the body and mind. What differentiates a good athlete from a great athlete is the ability to control their mind and regulate their breath under times of stress.

At the deepest level, yoga is practiced in every breath you take and in every moment of your life. This Sculpt class will challenge you physically. With an increased level of stress, you are provided with the opportunity to overcome the distractions of aggitation, pressure, and the desire to quit.

Strength is observed in life as the ability to go through challenging situations under high pressure with poise and grace.

This Sculpt class focuses on utilizing muscle tension throughout the various transitions in between specific poses. The more time you are able to spend under muscle tension, the more muscle strength you will build.

The thing that differentiates this class from an ordinary exercise class is that you will be constantly challenged to regulate the stress you are experiencing with a calm rhythmatic breath.

This is the yoga practice for athletes and those who wish to practice as athletes. This class will ask you to perform at your highest level while remaining cool, calm and collect.

Offered every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 1045 with Ben.