somatic flow

Yoga is a somatic process. Every time you have a physical response to a thought or emotion, you subconsciously somaticize a feeling in your body and mind. We all somaticize throughout the day. This class is a gentle form of vinyasa that teaches us how to use yoga to somaticize consciously.

The very foundation of the yoga process stands upon the 8 limb process of Patanjali’s Astanga Yoga. The very last step in the yoga process is called samadhi. Samadhi is often translated as bliss, or enlightenment. I believe a better translation for this step in the process is manifestation. Yoga teaches that depending on what you believe and how you move, breathe, feel and focus, you will manifest a certain reaction. If you follow the yoga philosophy with discipline and dedication, you will end up with a feeling of bliss and enlightenment. But if you believe that the sky is falling and you walk with a limp and breathe shallow and feel pain in your body, you will manifest a grim experience in your life.

Taking responsibility for the fact that you can change the way you feel is the very cornerstone of the yoga practice. Learning to steer this 8 step yoga process so that you live a bettter life, is a form of conscious somaticization.

Every Thursday evening at 7:15 with Ben