yin yoga

This practice is based in the mental concept of duality. Naturally, Yin Yoga emphasizes the Yin energy of reality, the feminine energy. The feminine energy is characterized as; eternal, flowing, resilient, flexible, compassionate, indifferent and unconditionally loving. The Yin energy is also known by the names of prana, the tao and spirit.

Classes are 1 hour long and usuallly consist of 8-10 different poses. All of the poses are on the floor and none of them require the exertion of strength, flexibiliy or balance. Each pose is held for about 5 minutes, which allows us to become intimately familiar with the way that we feel while bound in a specific shape. No matter your age or ability, you will be able to take any pose that is offered. The shape of your body will not look like your neighbors or the instructors. The shape of your body will be reflective of the way that you currently feel in your body.

The philosophy is simple. Put your body into a confining shape. With verbal alignment cues, navigate your physical, emotional and mental boundaries until you arrive in a place of stillness and acceptance of the way you feel.

In this stillness, you will be prompted to explore your body through the use of your mind by channeling the thinking and analyzing portion of your mind into the central nervous system for the purpose of feeling into the body.

This process brings you in touch with your comfort zone and your boundaries. This process prompts you to explore your belief system and emotions. This process offers deep stretching and deep relaxation by releasing all of the stress, pressure and tension you experience in the confines of your body and allowing all of the grace, compassion and kindness to flow through you, your body and your mind.

This class is taught:

Sunday - Friday at 12:00 noon and Saturday at 9:15am with Ben.