Yoga is a process for becoming more sensitively aware of the things you already know.
You already know how to stand up and sit down and this may feel like a waste of time to you. If you could stand up and sit down easily, you wouldn’t need to be watching this.
Keep moving with me throughout this process, we’re going somewhwere.
When you humble yourself to the present moment,
connect with your breath and your heartbeat,
and then begin this basic physical training,
you will teach your subconscious mind that this movement is safe.
If simply sitting and standing takes up too much of your bodies energy, you’ll be discouraged from the very idea of getting up and moving around. This way, the potentail discomfort you expect to experience from the movement you want to do, will imprison you and limit your freedom.
By practicing getting up and down over and over again, you take all the power away from this potential captor and become more comfortable with discomfort.
The truth is, freedom of mobility will have its own discomfort. Everyone’s body is uncomfortable. Throughout your life, you have learned to live with some level of discomfort.
This will NOT be any different.