Beginner’s Yoga

Your Instructor

Kendra Jackson

Currently Enrolling for the Winter Session

January 4 - 10:30am

January 11 - 10:30am

January 18 - 10:30am

January 24 - 10:30am

This 4 week series is designed for the beginner who appreciates a structured approach to understanding the yoga process, the basic poses, the difference between good and bad tension and how to move between the poses with ease.

Each week’s particular focus

Week 1

Foundations of breath, movement and standing postures

  • Developing ujjayi breathing

  • Learning ½ sun salutations

  • Learning fundamental strides in salutations and standing postures

  • Coordinating breath and movement

Week 2

Strength and integrity in your core

  • Begin developing core strength and awareness

  • Continuing to develop and expand sun salutation sequence

  • Refine and expand standing posture repertoire

  • Continue developing ujjayi breathing

Week 3

Mobilizing your spine with twists

  • Learning foundational twists

  • Continuing to refine and expand salutations and standing posture

  • Continuing to develop core-strength

Week 4

Putting it all together

  • Refining all of the work established in the first four weeks

  • Developing crescent lunge salutations

  • Developing low lunge salutations

  • Expanding back bend repertoire

Register for the full 4 week series and receive a $20 discount.