vinyasa yoga

Vinyasa is a specific style of yoga practice which emphasizes movement and the transitions we use to move from one pose to the next. Understand that yoga is a process which describes the entire experience of life. Vinyasa is one specific technique which helps us learn how to become better at transitioning from one moment to the next.

Most people are very good at doing one thing at a time. Most people struggle during times of transition, the times characterized by the unknown.

During Vinyasa classes, many different poses are taught for the purpose of stretching in the body, increasing blood circulation to decrease inflammation and building strength by sustaining the stretches with grace and humility. When we learn to hold one pose at a time and do it well, then we must also master the space in between the poses, the transitions. In order to master the transitions, we focus on cultivating balance and harmony. The only way to become better at balancing, or become better and doing more than one thing at a time is to utilize the power of the mind.

Yoga emphasizes the importance of concentration. During Vinyasa classes, we will learn to use the body and the mind in harmony with one another. When harmony is achieved, transitions are no longer challenging. When we are in a harmonious mind state, balance is natural and abundant.

These Vinyasa classes are designed to satisfy the absolute beginner and also the seasoned veteran. These classes require you to be physically able to move up and down off of the ground and onto your knees regularly.

Every morning with Ben and Monday nights at 7:00pm with Deb

Early Morning Vinyasa every Tuesday & Thursday at 7:15am with Jen

Beginner friendly Vinyasa Flow every Wednesday night at 6:00pm with Kendra